We empower small businesses for remarkable profitability while prioritizing people, sustainability and social change.

Investing in SMB provides

Strong returns with lower risk

Return on Investment (ROI)

Standard Deviation*: 1.5% SMB   6.9% VC   1.0% Real Estate

*Calculated based on the following sources: Stanford Exited Search Fund IRR,
Cambridge VC Index Net Fund Level Performance, and the NCREIF RE Index

**Previous performance does not indicate future results

Our Mission

At SVG, we are committed to uplift military veterans, women and underrepresented communities. Blending our financial success
with philanthropic endeavors, we will become an unstoppable force for affecting positive global change.


We fuel growth momentum through strategic investments.


Our impact resonates beyond numbers. It shapes futures.


We aim to inspire social change that transcends the boardroom.

Learn more about

Our Investment Strategy